Business Ethics - Foster A Successful Company Culture And Increase Profitability

13/07/2022 575 lượt xem

Giảng viên : Soft Skill and English

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A company’s ethics will determine its reputation. Good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. Implementing an ethical program will foster a successful company culture and increase profitability. Developing a business ethics program takes time and effort, but doing so will do more than improve business, it will change lives.
A company's ethics will have an influence on all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company including customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc. All of these groups will have an effect on the way a company's ethics are developed. It is a two way street, the influence goes both ways, which makes understanding ethics a very important part of doing business today. Ethics is very important, as news can now spread faster and farther than ever before.


•  Define and understand ethics.
•  Understand the benefits of ethics.
•  Create strategies to implement ethics at work.
•  Recognize social and business responsibility.
•  Identify ethical and unethical behavior.
•  Learn how to make ethical decisions and lead with integrity.

nội dung khóa học

Module One: Getting Started

Module Two: What Is Ethics?

Module Three: Implementing Ethics In The Workplace

Module Four: Employer/Employee Rights

Module Five: Business & Social Responsibilities

Module Six: Ethical Decisions

Module Seven: Whistle Blowing

Module Eight: Managerial Ethics

Module Nine: Unethical Behavior

Module Ten: Ethics In Business (I)

Business Ethics - Module Eleven: Ethics In Business (II)

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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Trường đào tạo kỹ năng mềm và tiếng Anh

Soft Skill and English


SSE cung cấp các khóa học kỹ năng mềm bằng tiếng Anh, giúp các học viên vừa nâng cấp trình độ tiếng Anh, vừa học thêm được các kỹ năng mềm.

Sứ mệnh của SSE là giúp người Việt Nam có đầy đủ kỹ năng, kiến thức và sự tự tin để trở thành công dân toàn cầu, thành công trong mọi lĩnh vực ở môi trường quốc tế


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